Nearly 20 years working in the field of business development consulting and management systems for real estate businesses, Master Nguyen Thanh Tan, Chairman of Brain Group, shared the business management model to help Business owners get out of operating habit to focus on sustainable development strategy.

Build growth models

How do you comment on the growth of real estate businesses in the current Covid-19 situation?

Currently, most real estate businesses are affected when purchasing power decreases, although the real estate industry is not the most difficult industry. The advantage of real estate businesses is that selling to domestic customers is mainly, so it is influential but not as heavy as other industries.

One thing I noticed is that, before a business that has prepared a clear growth model, it has high resistance. Entrepreneurs who run a business gently, do not have to settle into solving problems, have time to control strategies, that business is very good.

This means that, when Covid-19 comes to businesses that lack a business model, it is much more difficult to not generate growth power before, compared to a business with a growth model.

Doanh nghiệp bất động sản làm gì để vượt qua đại dịch?

Ông Nguyễn Thanh Tân, Chủ tịch Brain Group

In your opinion, what are often lacking in businesses that do not have growth power?

First, enterprises lack a long-term vision (5 years) or a general vision, which has not been concretized by targets. Or have a vision, but in the implementation process, the business does not follow the vision.

Second, the organizational structure is not clear and overlapping.

Third, firms lack corporate-level strategies and functional strategies. In particular, the company-level strategy must clearly show the goals of each year, while the functional strategy must clearly indicate the responsibilities and Objectives of each department.

Fourth, the products and services of the business have not been analyzed closely with the needs and changes of the market.

Fifth, businesses have not arranged the right people and the right jobs.

Sixth, the enterprise’s management system is incomplete and lacks operational tools.

Finally, the enterprise does not have a clear corporate culture.

It can be said that the seven above-mentioned issues have been occurring in many businesses, though to varying degrees. This is also the main cause leading to embarrassment and shortness of breath of many executives. The inevitable consequence is that the business has not achieved its target of weak sales, growth, profit, and competitiveness.

Governance creates power

So, in your opinion, how can businesses generate growth power?

Currently, there are many models of growth power in the world, of which BrainBOS is the model that we exploit and consult for enterprises in Vietnam.

BrainBOS (Brain Business Operating System) is a governance model that creates growth power with 7 key elements, including vision, structure, product, people, system, implementation, culture.

Vision is like the roof, culture is the foundation. Houses that want to be stable must have supports. Structure, product, people, system, implementation are 5 solid pillars that make up a sustainable management house for any business.

If this house is successfully built, the business leaders have a strong and sustainable business operating system, connecting operations and controlling the whole company.

In addition, we also have free support sessions for businesses heavily affected by Covid – 19 so that they can stand up confidently.

Doanh nghiệp bất động sản làm gì để vượt qua đại dịch?

The BrainBOS Model

Where to start to build a business operating system based on the BrainBOS model?

Starting from building a vision pillar, including mission, vision, core values, business philosophy, 5-year goals.

When the “Vision board” is created, quarterly company briefings are about looking at the vision, not dealing with the case as business directors are doing.

Following the vision is building a structural pillar, ie reviewing – completing the organizational structure, functions – duties of each functional division, personnel designation, job description of each position. This work can be understood as the process of restructuring an enterprise.

Product pillar with 8 closed steps, from product development, market research, customer segmentation, brand positioning, product development, product pricing, distribution strategy to communication strategy.

With human pillars, the most difficult thing is still recruiting the right people and assigning the right jobs. To do so, a capacity assessment system must be built.

Next is the completion of the system pillar with a series of tools such as KPI, Salary 3P, AOP … then building an enforcement-control apparatus and finally building corporate culture.

In your opinion, what is it easy to fail when businesses build BrainBOS?

Firms’ weaknesses are enforcement and control. This is a prerequisite to ensure success when deploying BrainBOS model.

Everyone understands that building is easy, execution and control are difficult. The faster the execution, the faster the quality, the more efficient it is. To do so, there must be a periodic and ad hoc control system. Control all 3 things: compliance control, process control and result control.

Thank you for your sharing!

Source: Cafeland.vn

Link Bài viết: https://cafeland.vn/tin-tuc/doanh-nghiep-bat-dong-san-lam-gi-de-vuot-qua-dai-dich-89493.html